3rd July 2024

Search Portishead Town Council

Creating a Modern Town of the Future

Portishead Wellbeing Partnership

The Portishead Wellbeing Partnership (PWP) is a quarterly meeting initiated in 2021 to make better use of existing wellbeing opportunities through enhancing the cooperation of various medical, voluntary, faith and other local wellbeing sector specialists.

The Town Council facilitated meetings to bring together stakeholders who support Portishead in being a resilient community ensuring residents have better access to support services - allowing them to start, live, age and end well. These themes follow the North Somerset Council's joint strategic needs assessment framework.

The PWP's vision is to ensure that all Portishead's residents:

  • Have better access to wellbeing and non-clinical mental health support services
  • Can walk into community spaces and be signposted to local relevant support
  • Needs are listened and responded to, through a collaborative effort between voluntary, statutory and community services
  • Enjoy a healthy and happy community

Last updated: Thu, 15 Feb 2024 14:30