3rd July 2024

Search Portishead Town Council

Creating a Modern Town of the Future


2018 Working Party

Cllr Don Cameron, Cllr Lesley Cottrell, Cllr Ros Cruse, Mr Steve Gill, Cllr David Oyns,
Mrs Valerie Payne, Mr Bryan Stokes, Mrs Sandy Tebutt, Mr Tony Tween, Mr Derek Wilks (Royal British Legion).

Approximate Statistics

97 World War One dead are listed and 54 for World War Two.
During these wars, the population of Portishead was very much smaller than it's present level of over 25,000. In 1914 it was around 3,300 and in 1939 it had grown to around 3,900. On a very rough calculation, this means that about one quarter of the young men who served in World War One did not return; in World War 2 the same calculation shows around one ninth.

Information Sources

Memorials in Portishead A, B, C and D.
Research work by Sandy Tebbutt and Valerie Payne.
Posset Pieces No.9.
(and various internet searches.)

Last updated: Tue, 28 Feb 2023 10:29