3rd July 2024

Search Portishead Town Council

Creating a Modern Town of the Future

Cllr Nicola Holland

Cllr Nicola Holland

Portishead Independents.

Nicola moved to Portishead 6 years ago with her family and works as a secondary supply teacher.

She has been a District and Town Councillor for the last 4 years, is a trustee of Portishead Youth Centre and is also Chair to the Committee that runs the Portishead Arts festival, ArtPort.

One of her passions is ensuring we conserve our green, open spaces, where our children can play and wildlife can flourish and so she will continue to lobby hard to keep Slade Road Playing field as a community asset rather than being developed.

She is also passionate about championing women's rights and making child safeguarding a top policy issue at North Somerset.

01934 888 888

Last updated: Fri, 16 Jun 2023 09:54