3rd July 2024

Search Portishead Town Council

Creating a Modern Town of the Future

How to Apply

Before you apply

If you wish to apply for a Community Grant from Portishead Town Council, please read the Guidance Notes below and contact the Grants team (grants@portishead.gov.uk) to discuss your project before submitting a form.

The Grants team will be happy to help with any additional questions about the application process.

Submitting your form

You can download this form to your computer and either:

- Complete it electronically, save a copy and email it back as an attachment; OR

Clearly write in the text boxes, scan or photograph your completed copy and:

- Email it back as an attachment; OR

- Post it or drop it into the Folk Hall: FAO - Grants

Email: grants@portishead.gov.uk
Post: Portishead Town Council, Folk Hall, 95 High Street, Portishead, Bristol, BS20 6PR

Please note that applications will only be accepted on Portishead Town Council's official application form.

Guidance notes


Portishead Town Council are keen to receive requests for grant awards from the following applicants:

  • New start up groups that have not previously applied for a Portishead Town Council Grant in the past
  • A community group, organisation or charity that is Portishead-based OR delivers benefit to Portishead residents
  • An organised group requesting grant funding for a project, activity or event, which will be for the benefit of Portishead residents
  • A Portishead-based club, association or organisation serving a specific section of the community OR the Portishead community as a whole

Please note - Portishead Town Council does NOT fund the following:

  • Individuals
  • Groups/ organisations that do not service the Portishead community
  • General appeals
  • Statutory organisations or the direct replacement of statutory funding
  • Any party-political activity
  • Religious groups: however, applications from faith-based groups and organisations that demonstrate a clear community benefit will be considered

Applicants will need to explain how their project/activity/ event will benefit the residents of Portishead by demonstrating the:

  • Demand for the project, activity and/ or event – does the grant application clearly show what the demand for the item(s) requiring funding is from the residents of Portishead?
  • Direct and commensurate benefit to Portishead residents – does the grant application clearly explain the direct benefit to all or some of the residents of Portishead? And is the size of grant requested appropriate/ proportional to the benefit(s) to be delivered?
  • Value for money from the grant funding – does the grant application clearly show how the item requiring funding will maximise the impact of any funding received to achieve the intended beneficial outcomes?
  • Future sustainable plans – If a Portishead Town Council grant is awarded, we would expect groups to provide details on your plans to financially support further years


In relation to how a grant application will be assessed, Portishead Town Council will give priority to projects/ activities/events which progress one or more of these three sustainability objectives:

  • Wellbeing: supporting a flourishing and active community of people and organisations working together
  • Prosperity: supporting a thriving business community, connected with each other and with the town, providing employment and prosperity
  • Environment: covering the attractiveness, variety and accessibility of the town's green spaces with a focus on renewable energy, energy efficiency, waste reduction, and community transport

Applicants will be required to state the:

  • Total cost of the project/ activity/ event to be funded
  • The sources of other funding including details of other grants or awards applied for or gained in relation to stated project/ activity/ event
  • Amount of grant funding / contribution sought from the Council
  • Safeguarding Policies details of safeguarding policy and DBS checks

More information about safeguarding
More information about DBS checks


Applications will only be considered on the Portishead Town Council Grant Award application form with all relevant and required sections completed.

You can view the application process here.

Step 1. Portishead Town Council Grant Awards open for applications on Monday 8 April 2024.

Step 2. The completed applications will be submitted to Portishead Town Council

Step 3. Applications will be submitted to Grants Working Party for review and preparation

Step 4. Applications will be submitted to next available Community Matters Committee

Step 4 a. If the amount requested is a micro or small grant, under £5,000, the Community Matters Committee will review the application and decide the funding at a monthly meeting

Step 4b. If the amount requested is a medium grant, between £5,001 to £10,000, the Community Matters Committee will review the application and decide the funding at a quarterly meeting

Step 4 c. If the amount is a large or strategic grant of over £10,000, the Community Matters Committee will review the application and recommend at a quarterly meeting. The application will then be submitted to the next Town Council meeting, where funding will be reviewed and decided.

 Step 5. The funding application will be either approved, deferred, or declined

 Step 6. The applicants will be notified of Portishead Town Council's decision.

Applications for Portishead Town Council Grant Awards close on Monday 16 December 2024. Grant awards approved in 2024 must be spent within 1 year of the grant award date.

Successful grant applications

Please note these conditions if a Portishead Town Council Grant Award is made:

  • The applicant(s) will acknowledge the contribution made by Portishead Town Council when arranging promotional activity or literature, including press releases relating to the application.
  • Payment terms of the Grant Award will be agreed once the Grant Award has been formally approved by the Council. Payments for tangible products or services will normally only be made against a formal receipt or invoice. Staged payments may be put in place for larger projects.
  • The Council may, where it appears to be a more cost effective or efficient use of resources, prefer to act in partnership with another organisation, or provide support 'in kind', rather than provide grant funding.
  • Any grant awarded must only be used for the approved purpose.
  • If your grant is approved, once payment has been made, we will be in touch with a short feedback form for you to complete, this helps us assess the impact of your Community Grant and how it has benefitted your Group/Organisation.

Please note: the Town Council receives many applications that meet all of the eligibility and grant criteria. We regret that we may not be able to award grants to all of the fantastic events and organisations that it would wish to fund. Grant funding from public funds is discretionary. No organisation or event is entitled to receive funds, and applications which do not meet the grant criteria will not be funded.

Portishead Town Council looks forward to receiving your application!

Last updated: Wed, 15 May 2024 12:57