3rd July 2024

Search Portishead Town Council

Creating a Modern Town of the Future

Cllr David Gunnell

Cllr David Gunnell

(Vice Chairman Staffing & Finance Committee; Vice Chairman Community Matters Committee; Member of the Grants Working Party; Member of the Cost of Living Fund Working Party; Member of the Climate Working Group; Member of the HR Staffing Review Working Group; North Somerset Water Safety & Costal Advisory Group Representative; Lake Grounds Management Committee Representative; Wellbeing - Local Partnerships / Wider Partnerships and Strategy Representative)

Portishead Independents.

David and his family have lived in Portishead for the last 30 years.

In his professional life he worked for the NHS and Bristol University as a clinician, lecturer and researcher, with a focus on population health, particularly mental health and wellbeing.

He was one of the first trustees of Portishead's open-air pool. He is passionate about improving population mental health, tackling climate change, preserving Portishead's green spaces and reducing inequalities.

01275 847 078

Last updated: Wed, 22 May 2024 16:25