22nd December 2024

Search Portishead Town Council

Creating a Modern Town of the Future

Cost of Living Fund

Portishead Town Council has created a Cost-of-Living (COL) support fund which will be distributed through local referral and support groups so that the money goes to those most in need during the current economic challenges.

This is a Portishead Town Council fund solely to support Portishead residents who are struggling due to the current cost-of-living crisis. Organisations can be given e-vouchers to help support throughout Portishead, funding to help in the provision of food, clothing, energy bank vouchers and other relevant cost-of-living support to Portishead Residents who are unable to meet short-term, emergency needs in a crisis, or where they need support to maintain their independence in the community.

For more information and how you can apply see below:-

Last updated: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 12:19