3rd July 2024

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Creating a Modern Town of the Future

Free Wellbeing Workshops for Residents of Portishead

These workshops, which are an initiative of the Portishead Wellbeing Partnership, have been organised to help educate and inform residents about topics that are relevant to the population and community, which should also help to relieve pressure on statutory services by directing people to alternative support.

The workshops will last for around 90 minutes and will cover the following topics:-

  • Managing exam stress in children and young people
  • Disordered eating
  • Living with chronic pain
  • Managing menopause
  • Dementia and falls prevention
  • End of life conversations
  • Preventing and managing type 2 diabetes

These workshops will be held in The Folk Hall in Portishead on Wednesdays. Each session will allow time for any questions at the end and refreshments will be provided.

To book a seat, please click on the 'book now' button for the relevant workshop.

Upcoming Workshops

Managing menopause - 17 July 2024 from 19:00-21:00

Join us for an empowering evening session designed to provide comprehensive guidance on navigating the menopausal and perimenopausal transition, equipping participants with essential knowledge and practical strategies for maintaining wellbeing and vitality during this significant life cycle phase.

Key Session Topics Include:

  1. Understanding Menopause and Perimenopause: Gain insights into the signs, symptoms, and physiological changes associated with menopause and perimenopause, and learn how to distinguish between them.
  2. Clinical Support and Management Options: Explore the range of clinical support and management options available for managing menopausal symptoms, including hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and alternative therapies.
  3. Supporting Your Wellbeing: Discover effective strategies for supporting your emotional and psychological well-being during the menopausal transition, including mindfulness techniques, stress management, and self-care practices.
  4. Physical Health and Strength-Based Exercise: Learn from experts at Hells Bells Strength Coaching about the benefits of strength-based exercise for menopausal women, including improved bone health, muscle strength, and overall vitality.
  5. Dietary Strategies for Hormonal Balance: Hear from Registered Dietician Dr. Rebecca Hiscutt about insulin-resistant dietary measures to support mood, sleep, hormonal balance, and overall wellbeing during menopause.

Dementia and falls prevention - 19 September 2024 from 15:00-17:00

Join us for an engaging afternoon discussion tailored for residents concerned about, living with, or supporting someone with dementia or frailty. This session will delve into the crucial issue of falls prevention to uphold a high quality of life for individuals affected by dementia or frailty. Additionally, attendees will be introduced to some useful medical technology aimed at enhancing care and support.

Key Discussion Topics Include:

  1. Understanding Dementia and Frailty: Gain insights into the challenges faced by individuals living with dementia or frailty, including their impact on mobility, cognition, and independence.
  2. Falls Prevention Strategies: Learn evidence-based falls prevention strategies and interventions aimed at reducing the risk of falls and promoting safety and wellbeing in the home environment.
  3. Supporting Individuals with Dementia: Explore practical tips and strategies for supporting individuals with dementia, including communication techniques, behaviour management strategies, and person-centred care approaches.
  4. Promoting Mobility and Independence: Discover the role of physiotherapy in promoting mobility, strength, and balance in individuals with dementia or frailty, and learn how exercise and rehabilitation programs can improve quality of life.
  5. Introduction to Medical Technology: Get acquainted with useful medical technologies designed to enhance care and support for individuals with dementia or frailty, including assistive devices, monitoring systems, and telehealth solutions.

End of life conversations - 17 October 2024 from 15:00-17:00

Join us for an essential afternoon session dedicated to exploring crucial end-of-life choices, including wills, funeral arrangements, and organising financial and health power of attorney. Delve into deeper conversations about end-of-life preferences, including where you'd choose to die if faced with a terminal diagnosis, and learn effective strategies for communicating your wishes to loved ones. The session aims to unlock insights and provide guidance to navigate these important matters with clarity and confidence.

Key Discussion Topics Include:

  1. Understanding End-of-Life Choices: Gain clarity on the various decisions and arrangements involved in end-of-life planning, including wills, funeral arrangements, and power of attorney.
  2. Wills and Estate Planning: Learn about the importance of wills and estate planning and explore practical steps for drafting and updating these documents to ensure your wishes are accurately reflected.
  3. Funeral Arrangements: Discuss different options and considerations for funeral arrangements, including burial vs. cremation, funeral service preferences, and ways to personalise end-of-life ceremonies.
  4. Power of Attorney: Understand the role and significance of appointing financial and health power of attorney representatives and learn how to select and communicate your preferences to trusted individuals.
  5. End-of-Life Care Preferences: Engage in deeper conversations about preferences for end-of-life care, including where you'd choose to receive care and how to communicate your wishes to loved ones and healthcare providers.
  6. Facilitating Conversations with Loved Ones: Discover effective communication strategies for discussing end-of-life preferences and decisions with family members, ensuring open dialogue and mutual understanding.

Preventing and managing type 2 diabetes - 21 November 2024 from 15:00-17:00

This afternoon session is dedicated to providing valuable insights into Type 2 diabetes, covering everything from recognising signs and symptoms to implementing effective prevention and management strategies. Whether you're looking to prevent the onset of Type 2 diabetes or seeking guidance on managing the condition, this workshop offers practical advice and resources to support your journey towards optimal health and well-being.

Key Workshop Topics Include:

  1. Understanding Type 2 Diabetes: Gain a comprehensive understanding of Type 2 diabetes, including its causes, risk factors, and potential complications.
  2. Recognising Signs and Symptoms: Learn how to identify the signs and symptoms of both pre-diabetes and Type 2 diabetes, enabling early detection and intervention.
  3. Prevention Strategies: Discover effective strategies for preventing the development of Type 2 diabetes, including lifestyle modifications, dietary interventions, and physical activity recommendations.
  4. Management Techniques: Explore evidence-based approaches to managing Type 2 diabetes, including medication management, blood sugar monitoring, and regular medical check-ups.
  5. Maximising Quality of Life: Learn how to optimise your quality of life while living with Type 2 diabetes, including tips for healthy eating, stress management, and self-care practices.
  6. Resources and Support: Access valuable resources and support networks available for individuals affected by Type 2 diabetes, including community programmes, educational materials, and peer support groups.

Last updated: Tue, 18 Jun 2024 10:07